Welcome to the Graysdale Homeowners Association (GHA) Web site, thanks to the design and technology of Blue Banana Designs. You can find all the latest news and updates here. If you are a resident, you will also be able to access our neighborhood Graysdale Directory with a password.
Community Info and Contacts
- Patton Township
- 234-0271
- Patton Township General Code
- Reporting maintenance issues
- General FAQ for Patton Township
- West Penn Power
- To report streetlight malfunctions
- Centre Region Parks & Recreation
- 231-3071
- Regional Refuse and Recycling
- Brooks Parker, 234-7198
- CATA Bus Service
- 238-2282
- SCASD Bus Transportation
- Van Swauger, Director of Transportation, 231-1033
GHA Officers
- Bryan Walaschek
- President
- Melissa Gundrum
- Vice President
- Ann Taylor
- Secretary
- Steve Ryder
- Treasurer
Resale Certificates
Email suggestions to info@graysdale.com.